Sunday 3 June 2012

my short blog: Must listen, particular interesting insights from John Griffith-Jones Chair of KPMG, &+ my comments, re BBC - Global Business, Called To Account

BBC - BBC World Service Programmes - Global Business, Called To Account:

IMHO, best straight to the points comments were from John Griffith-Jones, Chairman of KPMG.. namely: "Auditors' job is to report on historical numbers", problems was what happened next.. mistakes were on the business models & attitude to risk on macro & micro level.. he supports auditors should work on 'forward looking elements'.. to the controls & prevent future disasters..

go to 15min of the program..

I totally agree with John but sadly most of the regulators, government/select committee & press etc. are not asking the right question.. and asking for what is done regarding the controls & steps done to prevent disasters from happening..



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