Sunday 9 May 2010

On Twitter, Followers Don't Equal Influence - Research - Harvard Business Review

On Twitter, Followers Don't Equal Influence - Research - Harvard Business Review:

It is difficult to come up with hard & fast rules to measure effectively a still evolving technology/trend/community's behaviour & dynamics..

but "Meeyoung Cha" 's work is a good start and reported above on HBR.

Key however still is how 'trusted relationships is measured and how these people are listened to and their advices/suggestions are acted upon.

e.g. if Oprah says buy a book, millions of american would buy it, but when richard & judy says buy the book, maybe only hundreds/thousands?

So, it seems to me, its still as difficult as measuring the 'fellowship' on the traditional media world.. but surely on the digital world, we should have a better way of doing it..

It maybe we need to find a new KPI that is applicable (no more eye balls please!).. and no, not followers either!


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