Monday 10 May 2010

my blog comments re peHUB � What’s So Great About Being Public, Anyway?

peHUB � What’s So Great About Being Public, Anyway?

There are may good/great reasons for being listed.. but yes, I agree, for some private equity/fund management firms, it might not make sense for them to be listed at all..

It might make sense for them as part of the 'access to acquisition capital' at time of listing (for acquisition or gaining independence)..

It just does not make sense especially for PE/buyout funds where their investment horizon is 3-10years when the 'market' of 'wall street' in many ways is more bothered with the intra-day/hour/minute trading..

and people wonder why Warren buffet is doing well.. cos he is playing the game but really don't care as much about the short term game..


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